Provides direct support to individuals seeking legal protection through domestic violence injunctions and typically requires strong knowledge of domestic violence dynamics, legal processes, and advocacy skills, as well as the ability to provide compassionate, trauma-informed support.
A professional who works within the Child Protective Investigations (CPI) system, often in collaboration with child welfare services, to provide specialized support and advocacy for families affected by domestic violence.
A professional who works within the Child Protective Investigations (CPI) system, often in collaboration with child welfare services, to provide specialized support and advocacy for families affected by domestic violence.
Provides direct support and assistance to incarcerated survivors of sexual assault in Leon County. Facilitates group and individual counseling sessions within Leon County Jail. Assists Refuge House Management Team in achieving deliverables.
Bachelor’s Degree, plus two years of professional experience in social service-related field. This position requires a caring, patient, good-humored, and flexible individual with excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to deal with individuals in a crisis. Must be capable of good decision making and be able to remain calm in stressful situation. Additionally, this position requires an individual to be humble and teachable and have able to follow directions.
Please submit cover letter and resume to
Provide crisis intervention, emotional support, personal advocacy, information and referral, and information about Crime Victims Compensation to victims of sexual assault. Victims may be adults who were abused in childhood, and/or child victims, and/or adult sexual assault victims. Facilitates community education and public awareness events regarding VOCA-funded services for sexual assault victims.
Bachelor’s Degree, plus two years of professional experience in social service-related field. This position requires a caring, patient, good-humored, and flexible individual with excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to deal with individuals in a crisis. Must be capable of good decision-making and be able to remain calm in stressful situations. Additionally, this position requires an individual to be humble and teachable and able to follow directions.
Please submit cover letter and resume to
We are seeking candidates for full-time employment, which will include weekends. The Hotline/Shelter Advocate responds to incoming calls on the hotline from victims, advocates, service providers and the general public. The Hotline/Shelter Advocate provides crisis, supportive counseling, service management, referrals, information, maintain cleanliness of the shelter, shelter screenings and safety planning to all callers. Candidates must have a strong understanding about the dynamics of domestic and sexual violence. Bachelor’s degree preferred. We are also seeking a full-time overnight advocate, which will include weekends. Bilingual preferred.
Supervisor: Residential Manager, Leon County
Positions Supervised: none
Status: Full-time/non-exempt
General Description: Provides case management planning support and service for emergency shelter residents who have been victims of domestic violence and /or sexual assault. Provides individual and group short-term counseling, personal advocacy, and information and referrals to assist residents in meeting their goals. On-going individualized safety planning and services coordination.
Essential Functions:
- Provide short term-term counseling and crisis intervention to victims of domestic and sexual violence.
- Maintain and update accurate case management records, including developing individualized service plans and safety planning for all residents.
- Provide advocacy, linkage, education, and monitoring of community information and
- Coordinate with the children’s program to provide services to children living in
residential housing.
- Coordinate weekly meetings with residents to discuss community living and other
- Act as a liaison between the LCS residential program and other agency programs.
- Participate in case staffings and attend meetings as required.
- Develop and maintain cooperative working relationship with health care, law
enforcement, social services agencies, and other community groups to provide
coordinated services for victims in the emergency services residential program.
- Collect statistics and prepare reports regarding services provided in accordance with
all funding requirements.
- Participate in a minimum of 24 hours of annual training directly related to the
provision of services to victims.
- Communicate with supervisors and complete documentation about the needs and
repairs of the facility and property.
- Other duties as assigned related to the provision of services for victims.
Working Conditions: The position requires flexible scheduling and weekend/overnight work.
Collaborative Relationships: The Residential Case Manager is a member of the Leon County Residential Program.
Qualities and Skills:
This position requires a caring, patient, good-humored and flexible individual with excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to deal with individuals in a crisis. Must be capable of good decision making, and be able to remain calm in stressful situations. In addition, this positions requires an individual to be humble and teachable, and be able to follow directions.
This position requires that the individual represent Refuge House in accordance with agency mission, philosophy, and policy, be accountable for professional conduct at all times, and communicate clearly and directly with supervisors regarding all Refuge House activities.
- A Bachelor’s degree in human services and 2 years of relevant experience or significant work experience.
- Experience and familiarity with domestic and sexual violence issues.
- Excellent counseling skills and experience with de-escalation.
- Excellent interpersonal skills and demonstrated ability to work with diverse populations.
- Familiarity with community resources.
- Computer literacy.
- Superior written and oral communication skills.
- Ability and willingness to work as a team member to meet the needs of clients, agency, and community.
- Flexibility and the ability to competently prioritize essential tasks.
- Ability to adapt to change in a high-stress environment while remaining calm, focused, and professional.
- Clean driving record.
- Successful DCF Level 2 background clearance.
- Commitment to the Refuge House mission.
- Bilingual preferred (Spanish and English).
Please send resume and cover letter to Charlotte Kantartzis at
Provides support to survivors of domestic and sexual violence, and systems of sexual exploitation. Assists clients as they enter transitional housing, provides follow-up case management and counseling, facilitates group activities and support groups, and maintains client files in accordance to agency policy.
Assists with preparing and filing injunction orders for protection at the Leon County Courthouse. Represents clients in court proceedings.
In order to apply for any Refuge House position please send a completed Refuge House employment application, cover letter and resume to one of the methods below. If you are interested in multiple positions, please send a separate cover letter for each position.
(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
FAX: 850-413-0395
US Mail:
Refuge House
Attn: Human Resources
P.O. Box 20910
Tallahassee, FL 32316
Refuge House is an Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Employer.
The Refuge House staff is a dedicated, skilled and compassionate team.
No discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, pregnancy, national origin, age, disability, marital status, economic background or veteran status shall be practiced in connection with any Refuge House employment practice.
To file a complaint of discrimination, contact or write Office for Civil Rights, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, 810 7th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20531 or call 202-307-0690 (Voice) or 202-307-2027 (TDD/TYY). Individuals who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may also contact OCR through the Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339 (TTY), 877-877-8982 (Speech), or 800-845-6136 (Spanish). Or contact the Department of Legal Affairs, PL-01 The Capitol, Tallahassee, Florida, 32399, or call 850-414-3300.
Please notify us if we can provide any accommodation to facilitate your application process!