We hope you feel welcomed here. Your safety is our number one priority. You may feel that Refuge House is a place where other people might feel comfortable, but not you. It’s easy to feel that way, before you meet our staff and other people who are getting support from Refuge House. We want to put your mind at ease. Services are available in multiple languages.
I’m not sure that I’m really a victim.
If you are feeling confused, or scared or bad in your relationship because your partner puts you down or keeps you from going places, that’s a good time to call us—even if you aren’t sure what “counts” as domestic violence. Let us help you sort out your feelings, take a look at what has been happening and talk about options. Feeling less alone is a really good feeling.
I have a disability and I wonder if people will welcome me.
We are looking forward to your call. We know that abusers can take advantage of a person’s disability to hurt them or control their access to assistive equipment or services. We are 100% accessible.
I think I have a problem with alcohol or drugs.
Many victims are encouraged by abusers to use a lot of alcohol and drugs to make them feel more vulnerable and defenseless. You may be using alcohol and drugs as a way to try to cope with the violence in your life or to try to manage your emotions. We are here help you be safe and to support you as you identify your healing goals.
I am in prostitution and I wonder if you will be willing to help me.
We know that prostitution hurts. We are honored to support your well-being in body, mind and spirit.
My abuser is well known in the community and I am afraid to disclose that he is beating me.
We have served many victims and their children who are being abused by well-known or professional partners. You will find your privacy closely protected here at Refuge House. At Refuge House, you have complete control over all information you share about yourself and your abuser.
I am a man and my abusive partner is a woman.
We are here for you. You may feel especially concerned because Refuge House is identified as an agency that serves so many female victims. Please call us—all of our programs, including emergency shelter services, are available and welcome to you and your children.

Hundreds of individuals who have suffered abuse have been part of Refuge House, creating the next chapter in their lives. They want you to know that they are cheering for you, and want you to feel well and happy – that it is possible for you, too. As one participant said to us as they were leaving shelter, “We can take our lives and our freedom back.” We are here for your life and for your freedom.
Our services are meant to support and empower survivors. Violence is about power and control, and restoring the survivors’ own power over their own lives and dreams is what is needed most. We serve victims of domestic violence, sexual violence, human trafficking and prostitution, and we are easy to reach just by calling our 24-hour crisis hotlines.
At Refuge House, we offer safety, welcome and resources for all victims of abuse and their children.
There is another way to feel and to live.
We are here for your life and your freedom.