You may feel confused or upset after a sexual event that felt bad or wrong. If you were touched in a way you didn’t like or were told or shown something sexual that made you uncomfortable, you might feel hurt or unsafe. You might not even be sure of what happened. We’re here to talk, any time.
Why you might call
- If you want to sort out your thoughts and feelings.
- If you are afraid or feeling guilty.
- If you’re unsure about seeing a doctor or about related health concerns.
- If you are wondering about emergency contraception or risk for STIs.
- If you’re thinking about how to proceed legally.
- If you are wondering about a forensic exam.
- If you are curious about reporting to law enforcement.
- If you are thinking about a protective order.
- If you were abused as a child or teenager, even if it was a long time ago.
- If you or someone you know has experienced prostitution.
Our SAFE Center (Sexual Assault Forensic Exam Center) can be of help for many. The SAFE Center provides a private, comforting and safe place for survivors and loved ones soon after a sexual assault has occurred.
What happens at the SAFE Center?
- A trained SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Exam) Advocate can provide support and crisis counseling to you and anyone accompanying you. The SANE advocate will be with you through the whole process to support you and explain as much or as little as you want.
- If you choose, a specially trained nurse—called a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner–can collect evidence during a physical forensic exam. This will include a basic wellness assessment along with possible DNA collection. If more medical attention is required, you will be transported to a hospital where all services will continue.
- You may choose whether or not to report the assault to law enforcement. There are several ways to report, and it is completely up to you. Only if you choose to report, the officers and investigators will come to the SAFE Center for any necessary interviews.
- You do NOT need to report to law enforcement to receive a forensic exam.

All services are free and confidential. If you are in need of SAFE Center services or if you would like more information, please call our hotline at any time of day or night.
Refuge House works in collaboration with community partners in all 8 counties of the Big Bend region to better address the issue of sexual assault. The SARTs (Sexual Assault Response Team) meet regularly throughout the year. Please contact for meeting info.